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Responsive Website Design: Why it Means for Your Company

As mobile website traffic only remains to grow, companies can no longer pause about having an actual website. Responsive website design like as PHP developer has long exited the “early adopter” phase. Internet users now fully expect websites to effectively respond to whatever means they’re using.

We’ve become quite a great way, haven’t we? Did you ever think that you’d have an Internet browser on your TV? Or even stranger, your fridge?

When I first began making websites any 17 years ago, the world was a changed place. The term “smartphone” didn’t live. If your dumb telephone had any internet at all, it was so slow that you’d preferably just wait for desktop passage.

When web developers designed a website there was really only one central dimension… I confusedly remember targeting 980 pixels. You essentially had to ask, “what are the various common director dimensions” and then target the lowest common denominator.

But that was yesteryear, today is another.

As I wait on the subject, here are my top 3 ideas why Full state-facing companies should have a responsive website.

Reason #1 – Your Users Require a Responsive Website

It’s very attractive to ignore the experience of companies on your website. After all, you’re not there. You don’t see their difficulties and defeats. It’s simple for website issues to be out of sight and out of mind.

But I promise you, not having a responsive design is damaging your brand.

If your users have to arrest and zoom regularly while doing your website, how on earth is that revisiting you? If 90% of the websites that they use seem high on their phone, your organization will look old school. Don’t support your views to go someplace else because you keep setting off this problem.

Reason #2 – Google Rewards Responsive Website Design

Did you remember that Google has over 200 factors when determining how to rank a website? Is it any surprise that mobile-friendliness is important on that list?

Google has a simple mission for each internet search: give the user the greatest and most valuable content. But unresponsive content is by world low quality because the user activity is counteractive.

More and more, Google seeks to remove the gaming ability of their research platform. Instead of providing cheap tactics like keyword stuffing and purchasing backlinks, Google wants to rank content higher because it’s actually useful to real, existing humans.

Bottom line: if you want Google to be right, make sure you’re prioritizing user action. A good opening point is to make sure your company website is made responsively. 8 Tips for Collaborating with PHP Developers.

Reason #3 – Maintenance is Easier

I talk with a lot of marketing managers- particularly in terms when we’re doing a great deal of outreach. One of the basic errors I see to get around a non-responsive website is to actually build a second, mobile-special website. Many times, folks simply install a WordPress plugin to automatically create the separate mobile site.

suddenly, this can often create a support headache as you’re now in reality managing two websites.

With a truly effective web design, there is one website, time. 95% of the time, if the website is built correctly, the content simply looks great nobody the device, and there’s zero content replication.

How to Make Your Website Responsive

Unfortunately, in most states, you can’t retrofit an old website to be responsive; you really have to begin from scratch. The reason for this is even-first- we’re talking about the structural system of your website. It’s similar to wanting your house to have steel framing when it did build with wood framing.

Happily, all may not be lost. If you like your modern design, it’s just to rebuild your website while retaining the old design intact. Rather of becoming to go inside a whole design means, you can tell your web developer to keep the website as it is, but to rebuild it to be active.

At our firm, we do these responsive rebuilds almost often. Because there’s not much to think over from a responsive design view, these types of projects typically go large fast.

Introduction to TechTIQ Solutions 

TechTIQ Solutions has an expert team in PHP Programmer, expert, TechTIQ Solutions is a Uk based web design & development agency. We deliver a full range of web solutions that focus on our client’s objectives. Our offerings include all of the traditional aspects of web design and web development with PHP developer London the emphasis always on helping the clients to achieve their goal.

Responsive Website Design: Why it Means for Your Company Responsive Website Design: Why it Means for Your Company Reviewed by David Piterson on August 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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