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6 Design Elements to Improve Storytelling on Your Site - TechTIQ Solutions

There’s more to storytelling – at least on websites with PHP developer – than just information. While your content is great, the design and layout of your website will to the outgrowth of your story on users.

You want your users to know special. When you use particular language to begin your conference, you contract with them on a private level.

In the beginning part of this list of articles, I explained the benefits of storytelling on your website.

In this, the second article, I outline 5 design elements for your company to use to increase your user experience and improve your storytelling.

1. Consider Gamification to Growth Engagement

Require to bring users to your site and add them to your story? Play a game with them.

Gamification adds game details to your story. Progress bars, reward points, and small games all make your website extra interactive.

Users don’t require to just indifferently observe your story from a distance. Drawing your consumer into the story with you provides them to recognize with your brand.

The gamification image, illustrated here, shows how gamification effects longer lasting commitment and drive the user to keep retreating to your brand.

For example, Dropbox rewards users who perform specific goals, prompting a response from the user to return and try to “improve their score.”

DropBox Gamification

Definitely drawing a client into the narrative not only helps the user recognize with your organization but makes them return on a regular basis.

2. Support Interactive Features to Remember User Attention

Small communications on your website drive visitors. Interactive web design features add to your story through engaging user attention and interest.

Some interactive characteristics you can work into your site cover:

Hover highlights over an image to reveal text can be a nice way to include more content. Parallax scrolling, anywhere front graphics move faster than background images, can be worked to have aspects of your story pop up to users as they scroll down your page. Interactive icons confuse users and can add a fun effect to the website like as PHP web developer.

3. Be Creative Through Visualization

Sharing data creatively allows you to organize what once were boring estimates in a fun way.

Google’s Data GIF Maker (link is external), for example, is a fun way to make your content more visually appealing to your users.

Your visualization doesn’t have to be complex. It gives life to the information you are using to attach with your audience. If they weren’t excited before, visualization elements might attract them to your content.

4. Important Responsive Web Design for More Traffic

Responsive web design expects your site changes to the mobile equipment the consumer is working.

Using responsive design provides users to utilize your content on your website no material what device they are working. Regardless of the story, you’re telling, you want your readers to be prepared to follow it across designs.

5. Use Your Site to Answer Your Consumers’ Problems

Your website should produce a resolution for your consumers’ wants and needs.

One intention of telling a story through your brand is to have your clients discover a difficulty they don’t know they have. The power of storytelling lies in drawing readers to a determination.

Once you’ve created a clear and compelling case for why they require what you offer, secure you have an easy way for them to reach it.

SquareSpace Make It Fresh

Squarespace presents a wonderful example of web design that creates an idea that your current design is requiring – a problem you didn’t distrust before seeing their “Make it good” motto.

6. Build a Site Where Everything Is Shareable

Today, users share everything on their social media, including the professions they hire and the services they use.

Use social media to promote a story conversation can associate with your company. Social media gives you the possibility to engage with differently indifferent customers across social media programs.

Your story may join individually with a user, and you want them to be able to share it simply. Social media gives that opportunity.

Organize social sharing buttons on your website so your users can immediately add you to their story and, in turn, increase your business.

Increase Perception of Your Brand Through Storytelling

Telling the narrative of your business joins your viewers and inspires them to keep coming back to your website.

Imagine about how you can join your business with a story, and use the 6 design strategies above to strengthen your business’ story.

Introduction to TechTIQ Solutions 

TechTIQ Solutions has an expert team in PHP developer London, TechTIQ Solutions is a Uk based web design & development agency. We deliver a full range of web solutions that focus on our client’s objectives. Our offerings include all of the traditional aspects of web design and web development with the emphasis always on helping the clients to achieve their goal.
6 Design Elements to Improve Storytelling on Your Site - TechTIQ Solutions 6 Design Elements to Improve Storytelling on Your Site - TechTIQ Solutions Reviewed by David Piterson on September 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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