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How to Choose the Right Technology Stack for PHP Web Developer.

In modern PHP developer or web development, choosing the right technology stack is extremely important as it forms the very foundation of your application. Without a solid foundation, your web application will simply not work properly.

There are many technologies to choose from when choosing what will be your particular battery. Choosing the right ones depends on the specific application you are developing.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a technology stack for web development.

1. Consider the type of web application you are developing

The technology stack you use differs depending on the type of web application you are creating. For example, if you are building a simple, information-only website, you will need far fewer tools than if you were developing a complete e-commerce platform solution like with PHP web developer.

You may be able to create a simple website using free content management systems such as Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.

If your web application acts as a hub, you will need a database to store large amounts of information securely. Some of the most popular databases include MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.

How much traffic do you expect from your application? Will there be a large image or video files? What kind of server and load balancing technologies will be required? (Apache & Nginx are the most commonly used servers for web development.)

Once you have answered all these types of questions, you are ready to create a plan for the different types of technologies and solutions you will need for your development stack.

Once you've answered these questions, you'll be ready to create a plan for the different types of technologies and solutions that you'll need for your development stack.

2. Consider your budget

Not only will you pay for the technology that will make up your development stack, but you will also need to consider the salaries of developers who will actually write the code. The more advanced technologies you use in your stack, the higher the cost for skilled PHP Programmer.

This does not mean that you have to skimp on the types of solutions you will use to create your product. On the contrary, you certainly want to use the best programming languages, servers and databases for your particular solution.

You can save a lot of money on development costs by hiring a dedicated team (hire PHP developer) that already has competent developers in the type of technology you need. All you have to do is pay the exact amount of time needed to manufacture the product.

After quality assurance and publishing, you can reduce the team to only the support and maintenance staff.

3. Remember your marketing technology

In addition to your technology, you also need to think about how you plan to market your solution once it is complete. This is where your marketing stack comes in.

A stack of marketing technology can include solutions such as Salesforce, Marketo, HubSpot, Hootsuite, and MailChimp essentially any type of automated solution that will help you communicate with your customers and receive feedback.


It makes sense to consider what types of marketing tools you want for your solution at the same time you choose your technology stack.

In this way, you can be sure that everything will work well together as part of a global solution.

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing the right technology stack for Web applications, do not be overwhelmed.

Always start with the end in mind. What kind of experience do you want your client to have and what is the best set of tools and technologies that will allow them to live this experience?

The answer to this question will form the basis of your perfect technology stack.

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How to Choose the Right Technology Stack for PHP Web Developer. How to Choose the Right Technology Stack for PHP Web Developer. Reviewed by David Piterson on September 17, 2018 Rating: 5


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